How to Store a Kayak in the Garage?

If you’re an avid kayaker, you know that storing your kayak properly is essential to ensure its longevity and functionality. The garage can be a convenient and safe place to store your kayak when it’s not in use. In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to store kayak in garage, addressing common questions and providing valuable tips to keep your kayak in top condition.

Why Proper Kayak Storage Matters

Storing your kayak correctly is crucial for its longevity and performance. Proper storage helps prevent damage, warping, and deformation, while also ensuring that your kayak is ready to hit the water when you are. A garage is a suitable storage space, but it’s essential to take specific measures to protect your kayak from potential hazards.

Choosing the Right Spot in Your Garage

kayak in Garage

Picking the right location within your garage is the first step towards effective kayak storage. Consider the following factors:

  • Space: Choose an area that provides ample space for your kayak without exposing it to potential obstructions.
  • Protection: Opt for a spot away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and sources of moisture.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that the chosen spot doesn’t impede your ability to move around the garage or access other items.

Preparing Your Kayak for Storage

Before storing your kayak, it’s essential to properly prepare it to prevent mold, mildew, and damage during the storage period.


Thoroughly clean your kayak using mild soap and water. Remove any dirt, sand, or debris from both the interior and exterior surfaces. Ensure that the kayak is completely dry before proceeding.


Allow your kayak to air dry completely. This step is crucial to prevent the growth of mold and mildew during storage. You can prop the kayak up on its side or use a clean, dry towel to aid in the drying process.


Carefully inspect your kayak for any signs of damage, such as cracks, dents, or deformations. Addressing these issues before storage will prevent them from worsening over time.

Space-Saving Storage Methods

Maximize your garage space with these efficient storage solutions:

Wall Mounts

Wall-mounted kayak racks are a popular choice for storing kayaks vertically, saving valuable floor space. Make sure to install the rack securely into studs or solid surfaces to bear the weight of the kayak.

Freestanding Racks

Freestanding kayak racks are versatile and can hold multiple kayaks horizontally. They are ideal if you have multiple kayaks or limited wall space. Look for racks with padded surfaces to prevent scratches.

Ceiling Hoists

Ceiling hoists are an excellent option for utilizing overhead space. They allow you to lift your kayak safely to the ceiling, keeping it out of the way. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper installation and weight capacity.

Additional Tips for Kayak Garage Storage

Consider the following factors to ensure optimal storage conditions for your kayak:

Temperature and Humidity Considerations

Extreme temperatures and high humidity can have detrimental effects on your kayak’s materials. Maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level in your garage to prevent warping, cracking, and material degradation.

UV Protection

If your garage has windows or receives direct sunlight, consider covering your kayak with a UV-resistant tarp or cloth to protect it from UV rays that can fade and weaken the kayak’s material over time.

Pest Prevention

To prevent pests from making a home in your kayak, keep your garage clean and free of food debris. Consider using natural pest repellents like cedar blocks or mothballs placed near the kayak storage area.


Properly storing your kayak in the garage is essential for maintaining its condition and ensuring it’s ready for your next paddling adventure. By choosing the right spot, preparing the kayak, and using space-saving storage methods, you can extend the life of your kayak and enjoy countless hours of kayaking fun. Remember to consider temperature, UV protection, and pest prevention to create the best storage environment. Following these guidelines will help you keep your kayak in top shape and ready for your next aquatic escapade.

Read More About Kayaks below:

  1. How to Transport a Kayak
  2. How to Get in a Kayak
  3. What is a Skeg on a Kayak
  4. What is a Tandem Kayak
  5. How to Build a Homemade Kayak Launch

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prevent warping of my kayak during storage?

Warping can occur if a kayak is stored improperly, such as on a flat surface for an extended period. To prevent warping, use a storage method that supports the kayak’s shape, such as wall mounts or freestanding racks.

Can I store multiple kayaks in a garage?

Yes, you can store multiple kayaks in a garage by using racks designed to hold multiple kayaks. Freestanding racks or wall mounts with multiple arms can accommodate several kayaks efficiently.

Is it okay to store a kayak on its side?

Storing a kayak on its side is generally safe and prevents warping. Use padded racks or foam blocks to support the kayak’s hull and distribute the weight evenly.

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